
Animation, Motion Graphics Web Video – Leeds Video Production Company – Motiv Media

Cell Hire Group came to us with with the request for a stand out video to be shown on their new website and at corporate marketing events across the US. It had to be different, memorable and give viewers the facts within 2 minutes.

Cell Hire had seen a range of Motion Graphic videos that we have created and liked the idea of Animation to really give this project a unique feel. After discussions with Cell Hire about the type of animation and script, we produced detailed storyboards and sample graphics to get the look and feel of the film.

Using a mixture of Flash and After Effects, a great sound track and sound design, our team produced this attractive film that definitely stands out from the crowd. Feedback from thier first conference in Florida, was that the film was well received, stadnign out from the other videos being shown there. Their targets for generated enquiries was exceeded. One in a series of three films commissioned by Cell Hire.

Produced by Leeds video production company – Motiv Media

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Web Video, Motion Graphics – Kinetic Type, 2D and 3D Motion Graphics – Video Production Leeds

Motiv teamed up with ‘We Are’ one of Sheffields leading digital branding agencies to produce a Motion Graphics presentation for ‘Sita’; provider of global information and telecommunication solutions for the air transport industry.

Working from detailed storyboards designed by ‘We Are’, we created this project using Kinetic Type, 2D and 3D Motion Graphics. With great use of photo images and video content this production delivered the message the client wanted in a clear and effective way.

Communication was key with this project due to a short deadline as the video was being shown to Airport industry key personnel at an event in Brussels. Each stage was checked by the client to ensure it met their high standards and to allow them to check that the storyboards looked as good in motion as on a static page.

Feedback from ‘We Are’:

‘We Are’ said: “Just wanted to say a massive thanks for all the hard work that you’ve put into the SITA movie.

The commitment that Motiv and especially Alex and Russ have shown throughout the project has been absolutely outstanding. Their level of communication has been brilliant. And while at times the project was very testing, their high level of professionalism has been unquestionable.

Everyone both at We Are and at SITA are extremely happy with the end result and we look forward to working with you again.”

Produced by Motiv Media, a Leeds Video Production Company.

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Motion Graphics, Kinetic Type Web Video – Video Production Leeds

Financial Services provider ‘Jump Money’ contacted Motiv to produce a Motion Graphics based video that would introduce new clients to Jump, who they are and why they are not like comparison websites.

The video is to play on Jump Moneys home page and had to be short, to the point yet get all the main points across in an interesting way.

We discussed the use of ‘Kinetic Type’ which is a way of creating engaging graphics and motion from different typefaces. Utilising this method with a contemporary sound track and voice over would produce a film that would tick all the briefs boxes.

Jump jumped at the chance and we started by taking their large script and compressing it down to the relevant points such as the branded products they provide, one to one advice and environmental policy. From there we gave Jump a selection of voice over artistes to choose from that we had short-listed based on their brief.

Finally we produced a great sound track that has a lively, friendly feeling that works very well with this type of motion graphics. Once the voice over was completed we got stuck in to get the graphics completed in the week, allowing Jump to check the progress with regular updates and samples.

We are proud of the finished film and have been asked by Jump to produce their next set of videos which will be coming soon.

Motiv Media; a Leeds Video Production company.

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